Sunday, October 10, 2010

I had a dream, I was in a gully
All ferns and mist, in a little cabin
On narrow gauge tracks, rolling,
I am in, sitting cross legged on
The floor, a feather 'hind my ear,
Small green frogs with black hole eyes
Ribbiting in water, glass, On a bench
A lady wild black hair, steel blue eyes with,
Holding to An Other, she was mine once but this
I must bear, I have no right, the frogs leap
Out from their glasses, out the windows, and
There comes a terrible force my vision blurs
Into shimmering shapes, I grab a dread lock
Of the floor, though I am but a creature,
Of bronze and flint and steel burns, and
Strike into the ether, again again, my
Left hand branding, and a hurricane blasting
Through me, the shape of my lady, twitching, I
Stop. She is before me wild hair, alien features
Gold skin, small chin, big black hole eyes, She
Asks why did you stop? And I mouth, my fingers,
Twitching with a life of their own, because I
Love you. Then her nails bite into my back
Biting burning steel, she shimmers into another
With short gold hair then to a horrible visage
Big yellow eyes and unkempt tufts of hair, I
Almost wish I could scream but all I can do is

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